Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Fruits of my labor

The first fruit of my labor was to add my profile with a photo to this blog. Have mixed feelings about putting myself "out there" - working in an IT department gives me a heightened sense of awareness about security, privacy and such stuff - but what the heck. I'll give it a go. Now that I've downloaded the software to add photos, I'll be adding some here and there.

The second fruit, well . . . for those of you who know how much I hate fruit, you'd be interested to know I decided to buy blueberries (they were on sale) and made blueberry muffins last night. Used Splenda for sweetening and ya know, they're just pleasantly sweet, not sickeningly so. As long as fruit is cooked, or sweetened, or has some kind of floury carbofat associated with it, I'm there. But fresh fruit? Love the smell, love the flavor, but I think it's the texture that turns me off. The only fresh fruit I'll eat? Canteloupes and and bananas are okay, thinly sliced strawberries (I know, stupid) are palatable. Apples if they're cooked and sweetened. Love orange juice - actually most kinds of juice - but the pulp in an orange makes me literally gag. Now there's a pleasant vision. It's not that I haven't tried to eat different kinds of fruit. When I was growing up I'd envy kids who'd bite into an apple for lunch or sit there and peel an orange and eat the segments. They smelled so good and I often tried to eat apples but just couldn't. If anyone has any ideas for different kinds of fruit I just might like, I sure would like to hear about it.

Rough week at work and my God it's only Wednesday. Looking very much forward to the weekend.