Friday, June 24, 2005

I link, therefore I am

I often wonder, when people put links to other blogs and web sites in their own blog, if anyone ever checks them out. If I'm reading the blog of someone I know, I like to at least take a quick look to see what other sites they enjoy. I think you learn a lot about the person.

Having said that, but without twisting anybody's arm, check out the current list of links on the right: Pam's Blue Moon Knitting page, a humorous knitting odyssey full of photos. Her old blog is here, and her brand new blog is listed at right and here. I can vouch for her amazing talent and passion for knitting since she's a co-worker and taught me and countless others how to knit. Check out photos of me and the sweater I'm making for my niece in her archive for March 9.

Roger's ramblings are anything but; they are insightful, thoughtful views on his world and the world at large; he is an old friend (and I mean that in the nicest possible way ;-) ) and is responsible for getting me started with blogging!

And speaking of "At Large", check out Peter Chianca's blog. Peter is a humor columnist with the Boston Herald, and he is indeed funny. I e-mailed him the idea for his 6/23 blog entry about the Snapple flood in NYC, and he was nice enough to write back and thank me, even acknowledging me at the end of the entry with a link back to my blog. Kinda neat.

About the link to Google News . . . Well, it was there by default when I created this blog, and Google is nice enough to host it, so I'll leave it in for now. It's the least I can do.

So there ya go, let the learning begin!